Talisker Atlantic Challenge

Tower Bridge, London

To celebrate the launch of the Talisker Atlantic Challenge in 2013, Electric Pedals was commissioned by Story PR to convert rowing machines for London's first ever rowing machine powered cinema. The electricity generated powered the film 'Through Hell & High Water', following James Cracknell and Ben Fogle as they attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a rowing boat.

British rowing champion, double Olympic gold medalist and adventurer James Cracknell took part himself and rowed our electricity generating rowing machines to mark the beginning of the Talisker Atlantic Challenge. A race of 2,549 nautical miles (2,933 regular miles), it is largely considered to be one of the toughest challenges in the world.

We also broke the Guinness World Record for the most energy generated by rowing in one hour, a staggering 1kilo-watt hour.